Megan Broom
Senior Sales Engineer

Spotlight on data quality: Maximizing revenue potential

Watch the webinar on-demand

Maximizing revenue potential is crucial yet challenging for healthcare organizations. Common data quality issues -- like missing primary and secondary standard codes -- complicate the process and can lead to money left on the table. A recent HIMSS survey found that, 59% of hospital leadership said they have lost potential reimbursement in the last 12 months due to poor quality data1.

Medicare Advantage, which has tripled in size over the last decade, can be profitable for provider organizations. However, accurate and highly specific Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) coding is critical to maximize your reimbursement.

Watch the webinar to: 

  • Data quality issues that pose a risk to your reimbursement
  • The impact of accurate HCC achievement on reimbursement potential
  • How data normalization services can minimize under-coded and missed diagnoses