Technical white paper

IMO Precision Sets

Content Architecture

Many clinicians pursue careers in healthcare because they wish to help people. With individual patients, this may not be too difficult, but when managing the health of a population, that’s not always the case. With multiple ways to document clinically-equivalent things like diagnoses and problems, it’s easy to incorrectly add or omit patients from a specified cohort. This can skew results, making it harder to provide optimal care.

IMO Precision Sets, IMO’s value set offering, tackles this problem head-on. With value sets developed and vetted by our team of clinical, coding and terminology experts, IMO Precision Sets helps health systems create accurate patient cohorts to support initiatives like population health management and clinical decision support. So that clinicians can get back to helping people – as intended.

Download our latest white paper to learn how IMO Precision Sets are developed – from scoping to architecture to ongoing maintenance.

Download the technical white paper